What is the variety of professions? Klimov's classification

❗Klimov's classification, developed by one psychologist - Alexander Klimov, provides a framework for categorizing professions based on their primary activities and

According to Klimov, there are five main varieties of professions. Here's a brief overview of each category:
  • Nature Man. This type includes professions associated with nature, animal and vegetable world.
    Example: ecologist, microbiologist, farmer, beekeeper, huntsman, geologist)
  • Man-Technique . This type includes all professions related to the maintenance of equipment.
    Example: driver, locksmith, electrician engineer, builder, tractor driver, etc.
  • Man-man. The subject of labor is a person. This type includes professions aimed at education, training, informing, maintenance (domestic, commercial, medical) people.
    Example: guide, teacher, seller, waiter, journalist etc.
  • Man-sign system. Labor subject - schemes, signs, oral and written speech, numbers, notes, formulas, cards, drawings, road signs. This type of professions includes mental activities .
    Example: economist, corrector, physicist, cashier, programmer, secretary, accountant etc.
  • Man -Hellite image. The subject of labor is visual, musical, literary and art, acting.
    Example: designer, decorator, journalist, vocalist, photographer, architect.  


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